Welcome to my blog! I’m Varrick, a passionate cybersecurity enthusiast working in the field of cyber threat intelligence.
I spend my free time outside of work either tinkering with side projects or pursuing technical certifications. I have completed 4 GIAC certifications thus far (GCIH, GCTI, GPEN, GWAPT) and I am proud to have been invited to the GIAC Advisory Board. My full list of digital badges can be found here. I mainly use Python for development and automation purposes, but I have yet to publish any of my projects/scripts online.
For leisure, I spend time in Cities:Skylines trying to convince myself I am capable of building car-lite cities and maintaining an average traffic flow of >70% (and convincing myself that that is leisure).
I am privileged to have had the opportunity to attend a variety of technical courses, ranging from SANS to Mandiant trainings. Being a naturally curious individual, I also find myself spending a lot of time researching and reading up on topics that interest me. However, as a hands-on kind of person, I found it difficult to meaningfully retain most of the knowledge if I did not consistently revisit or apply what I have learned. As such, I created this blog to serve as a dumping grounds of sorts to document things that I have learned or developed while polishing up my writing skills.
While it is unlikely that this blog will have a specific direction, I will try my best to post about my development projects and the research that I do on the side.